
Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh please let this be the answer

Another whiny blog......LOL

Have been sick for quite some time. Last year it started around Thanksgiving and continued for months (thinking July). During that time I had x-rays, allergy tests, a lump was found on my thyroid, biopsied and found non-cancerous, they wanted me to have an MRI done, but I relented. Eventually I became healthy again and was able to go about my life.

This year it waited until February. By March, I finally relented and saw the doctor. Feeling extremely miserable was the final push. I went into the doctors office and I was running a fever (I had no idea) and determined to have an upper respiratory infection, sent home, lost 3 days of work and given a Zpack. In a few days I began to feel more voice was gone...but I was feeling better. It has been almost a month and I still have a cough and that ran down feeling. I finally went back to see the doctor..I am stubborn..not a huge fan of seeing the if I am going because I am's getting bad. She did not hear pneumonia, wheezing...but concerned about my complaint of heaviness and the chronic cough. I don't smoke, I don't inhale substances...... so, her answer we will try this time.......Prednisone. Let's hope it works.......

Dave told realize one of the side efects is weight gain....well she is not too concerned as I have lost 6 pounds last time I saw her. The coughing, tiredness, being worn out...

Monday, March 22, 2010

On April 5th, my young man Uriah goes in for his Board of Review for his 2nd Class rank in Boy Scouts!! woot woot!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bwahahahahaha! I'm a dork!

This morning...I finally get to the e-mail from Charity inviting me to her blog. I clickon....I try to log in...and it tells me my log in is old. What??? Boo to that... considering it has been a while since I have blogged, I figured they chaged their format or I make me the new ID they seem to want. Then I try to get to my blog and it is not my blog...everything is gone...where is my blog and what is all this new stuff I am looking at.
I was not amused, I was not happy....I was very sad. I made my first blog in that ID expressing my unhappiness.....and disappointment. I was disappointed it was no longer linked to my Facebook, my picture was was just.....sad. But wait...there is more to the story that eventually leads to the obligatory palm slap to the forehead.
I went to my Facebook page....and clicked on my link for my blog. My ID everywhere I go is JNFR917. That would be my name...minus all vowels and on constanant. The my birthday 9/17. That's my ID...that's it... and every site I log into I choose that one first. Usually I have no problem getting it, but every now and then...someone else all ready grabbed it and so then my next choice is JNFR9174....imagine my surprise when I looked at the link for my blog on Facebook...and guess what the ID was..yep JNFR9174. DORK!!! My original blog was still here the whole time...I had whined over nothing. I have cancelled that account only because I really don't want more than one and I sure the heck am not moving everything over there, just cause I don't wanna and my home seems happy right here...even if it is not JNFR917. It wasn't there whenI first tried to sign up for a is there now, but it is all right...I think I will manage just fine right here.

It has been exceptionally life is nothing but that anymore. I is all ready mid march and it seems just yesterday I was doing Christmas. Donaldson has been working my tail off...I mean we are hopping at work. Still down one machine is just me, however they have now hired a back up for me and the pleater operator....she is almost done trained. A hard worker...her name is Kristina. Even though I am still working an average of 6 days a week (56 hours) at Donaldson (lots of overtime) I still have my part time at Wal-Mart (average 12 hours a week). Scouts at least once a week...though next week it is Spring Break so I will have 2 weeks with no Scout meetings and in truth, I will not know what to do with myself. I am so used to my life being busy and chaotic, that when something is taken away, the break in which you think I would be looking forward to (which I do look forward to) generally ends up unwelcome because I do end up being at a loss of what to do. It's like all of a sudden I have free time....and I have no idea what to do with it. I have fifty thousand things to just is one of those things you go.....Wha........ what should I do...relax and enjoy it..or cross another thing off my list?
This last week I asked to have a day off from Wal-Mart and took a few hours vacation at Donaldson and we as a family...and the Scout group went to Rockford....and saw the Ice Hogs play.....they lost the game..but we had fun...I got to spend quality time with the fam...which was cool. Not something I get to do vert often because as in the words of my husband "You are either at work or sleeping anymore" We don't get much time together. I am hoping soon that problem will be remedied. I meanI am working mylife away...and it took me down a little over a month ago. I ended up missing three days of work, found out I had a respiratory infection, and I still have not completely shaken it. Antibiotics helped...breathing a little bit better, but I can still feel the crap in my lungs and I am still worn at times. Hopefully soon it will let go of it's grip. It's times like this I am grateful I quit smoking 13 years would be even harder to regain my health had I not.
Currently it is going on 1 p.m., I need to get off my butt and get to wandering about the house. Figure out what needs to be done for the preparation of the week....laundry? food? house?
So.....gotta split for now.... until next time :) could be later tonight, could be tomorrow...could be next week.....we'll see LOL

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