
Thursday, July 8, 2010

yearly physicals

BSA is requiring all Scouts and leaders receive a physical every 12 calendar months. That and my insurance company required one before here goes. I had mine done on Tuesday. I have been being monitored anyway for my thyroid. Last year, my physician found a nodule, ultrasound was done, biopsy was was all good. This year was another ultrasound, no change from last year so nothng more to do than to have another ultrasound in a year. I did shrink half an inch though...I am now officially 5' 5.5" and 129 pounds. Lab work was done, cholesterol checked, thyroid levels check (just making sure the nodule isn't messing with things) and a basic panel. Everything was found good except iron deficiency.

Uriah and Logan had their's done today.

Logan is 8 years old, going into the third grade. He is 55 inches tall......70 pounds. Found to be in great health. Has a dip in his chest, but that is nothing to be concerned with. She pointed it out to me last year, I really wasn't concerned with it. Everything underneath of it works.......hopefully it will fill in as he gets older.

Uriah is 12 and going into the 7th grade. He is 63 inches tall.....and weighs 107 pounds. I never weighed near that until I was about 23 and pregnant. He's not following my growth range......he is growing well. I was freakishly skinny. No heart check up this year, that is only done biyearly. He did end up getting a booster immunization for Hep A. I was surprised o find outthat they are recommending the HPV shot for boys as well. I didn't have that was's a 3 part immunization that I still have questions about. When she mentioned it, I thought it was a girls only immunization, but they have included boys to it too.

So...other than us becoming sunburnt at the lake on Tuesday...we are all doing pretty good.

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