
Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's been a LONG time!

This is the last time I am trying this. Hopefully the third time is the charm.

Feeling slightly miffed. I had a partially blog written up, and *poof* it was gone. So, I will try again. This time I will write it on Word – and just transfer when I am ready.

Sorry, it has been so long. I have been quite busy. Currently, at the moment, I am on vacation ignoring EVERYTHING. We just had our big “to-do” in our town. The annual Dixon Petunia Festival, which happens to be the highlight of my summer. Carnival, festival, parade…it’s a lot of fun.

My Cub Scouts and some Boy Scouts that helped and I, volunteered to help at the fest. For four different days, four hours a day, we picked up litter, cleaned up tables. There was a write-up in the paper; I will try to post a link to it here. But if it doesn’t work, it is on my facebook page. I am very proud of my boys. I was misquoted in saying it was hard work. It wasn’t really hard work; it was more of a challenge because of the heat. That and the knuckleheads who thought it was funny to throw trash on the ground. A few times we came across people who saw us picking up litter and would purposely and repeatedly toss garbage on the ground, just so the boys would come get it. After a loud, “Logan, don’t play that game,” and a dirty look from me, they would eventually stop it. I mean really???? Is that all you have for entertainment is watching a 9 year old clean up your garbage, wait till he walks away to do it again and chuckle when he comes back? Grow up dude……
Hopefully this works – a link to the paper write up.

This year, my oldest turned 13….can you believe it? 13….dang. He went to Boy Scout camp in late June and was voted into the Order of the Arrow. To attain this achievement, they have to be voted in by their peers. Then after the “tapping out” ceremony, they have to sleep under the stars, wake to a meager meal, be quiet for 24 hours and do a lot of manual labor. To prove their sacrifice to the cause, to prove they are worthy. Uriah passed and is now a part of the Boy Scout Order of the Arrow. 13…..I’m getting old

I have joined a little venture of my own. I don’t know if you are familiar with the product, but it is a safer alternative to the open flames of candles. I sell Scentsy products. If you are interested, here’s a link to my website. Great warmers and awesome fragrances.

I also have started another venture. One that scares me to no end and I have wanted to do it for a long time and have finally bucked up and done it. I am a freshman at Ashford University. Ashford University is not too far from here, but all my courses are online. It is a 4 year program and I am working on my Bachelors in Business. So far doing OK for now…working full time at the big D, part time on my Scentsy and school…is a lot. So there you go; I’m a poor college student LOL buy a warmer  PwEaSe!

That’s it for now – Dave will be home soon. Love you all!

Pictures from the Parade

The pictures from Boy Scout camp:

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